My European Adventure

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Welcome! – What to expect.

Hello to any and everyone who has stumbled upon this little blog of mine!

My name is Lydia and I’ve recently returned home (Australia) from a 3 month solo trip through the beautiful part of our world that is Europe. I mostly travelled with a company called Busabout and visited roughly 25 Cities/Islands/Locations. I kept a travel journal that I hoped to turn into a blog when I returned, so I’ve got lots of information and tips noted to share with the world. I’ve also learnt a bit about other places that I didn’t get a chance to visit that I can share with you.

When I was researching my trip to Europe I actually found it hard to find a lot of recent detailed information about the places I was going to visit or much about the company Busabout, so I thought that I would try and recount my experience with as much detail possible to help any other future travellers. This blog is purely to help others and to relive my memories and experiences by writing them down again. I’m not hoping to make a career out of blogging and am not seeking any sponsorship or money.

Through this time there was quite a mixture of highlights and struggles. I plan to be as honest as I possibly can be about my entire experience and I won’t pretend to have liked something I didn’t just for any potential sponsors. I can say for certain though that my adventure was by far the most incredible and life-changing experience I’ve ever had but it was hard work and not every aspect of it was the fairytale that people think it to be. There’s something really beautiful and simple about Australia, despite how underdeveloped and uncultured we are. I plan to discuss all of these things in my blog posts if you choose to follow my rollercoaster of an adventure.

Happy reading xx